September, 2023


Holbrook House

The restaurant associated with The Conservatory at One Sansome, Holbrook House is the new hot spot for downtown meetings day or night.  Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday-Friday, their “champagne and martini buttons” are for sure a San Francisco Must Have and a modern twist on a classic concept. 
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Happiness Coaching with Brandi Mechele

I have almost completed my course with Brandi, The Joy Blueprint, and have gained such an incredible perspective on my happiness and the importance of reflection and gratitude. I will share more this month in my wrap-up interview with Brandi.
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Poppy Gifting

A gifting service from San Francisco locals, Poppy has an uber-creative and bespoke approach to the perfect gift. Their subscription service takes one more thing off my to-do list. 
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At the Exploratorium October 1. Get your tickets TODAY! This event is such a special treat for adults and children alike as attendees have a full run of the Exploratorium Museum. It is not to miss. 
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September, 2022


Rose’s Cafe

There’s nothing better than sitting on the porch at Rose’s Cafe on the corner of Steiner and Union Street. On Sunday morning you can expect a line of Cow Hollow, Pacific Heights, and Marina residents waiting patiently with their coffee for a table on the patio. The atmosphere at Rose’s is both upscale and casual- perfect for lunch after a walk with a friend or romantic dinner. Not to miss on this iconic menu is the Salmon Cozy- which for those who don’t know is a sandwich on flatbread. Other favorites include the Soft Scrambled Eggs, Breakfast Pizza, and the Chopped Salad (add chicken!). Rose’s is owned and managed by an incredible team with deep roots in the San Francisco Bay Area. And keep your eyes open when you are there, as this is a favorite of many celebrities and notable authors who live in The City.

The Portobello Notebook 

by Smythson of Bond Street: I have a secret. I picked up a very serious addiction from my mother and it is for luxurious yet simple paper and leather goods. The Portobello Notebook combines both of these, and I’m now on my fifth book. I love the diary style with plenty of lines to write on, although the agendas are also quite captivating. I began using these diaries in 2012 as I planned the Junior League Fashion Show and my wedding simultaneously (while also working of course!). It was so helpful to have one book to write all of my notes in, and something special I felt excited to put on a table during a meeting. I now have a collection of these books filled with to-do lists, bills to pay, notes from planning meetings, and goal-setting sessions. I love looking back on where I have been through these books and imagining what is next.
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BeautyCounter Counter + All Bright C Serum

During some of the foggy, or smokey!, San Francisco days, my skin begs for some sunlight. This incredible serum has the most incredible smell and makes my skin feel like it’s had a healthy day of Vitamin D- and C! It’s a total game changer, especially when paired with the cult favorite Counter + Overnight Resurfacing Peel as a nighttime treatment. And I know when I use BeautyCounter I’m using only the best and safest ingredients.
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Wrecking Ball Coffee

Across the street from Rose’s Cafe on Union Street is a tiny coffee shop you may miss if you aren’t looking for it. Wrecking Ball has two outposts in San Francisco- and the North Side of the city is so lucky to have one of them in Cow Hollow. These roasters know their beans- so much so they even offer professional development classes for those in the industry. Don’t miss their delicious pastries as well.
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Balboa Cafe Espressotini

Home of SF’s #1 Espressotini! Have you jumped on this bandwagon yet? Espressotinis are all the rage, and Balboa Cafe in Cow Hollow seems to have cornered the market on the to-go version of this classic cocktail. It seems to me that Espressotini saw a rise in fame during the pandemic, having both alcohol and caffeine! Gotta love that Balboa canned it and can’t keep them in stock! I was honored to have a special run of Espressotinis created for me - the only custom run Balboa has done! My clients will be receiving them soon, to serve chilled of course!
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Ironic Boat & Totes

I AM A TOTE A HOLIC - I can’t get enough navy blue and white LLbean totes and love the current “ironic tote” trend. Check out this Instagram that is brutally honest, sarcastic, and becoming classic. I’m still thinking of what I will create. Please send me your SF/Marin real estate-related ideas!

Lost J. Crew

Speaking of amazing Instagram accounts, Lost J.Crew serves up all the nostalgia of the late 90s and early 2000s. I would immerse myself in this catalog dreaming of the days I would live in khakis, polos, and lots of cable-knit. Follow for a look back in time that also seems timeless!


My new favorite flower delivery! Their hydrangeas are beyond beautiful, and their customer interface is super easy to use. My clients and referral partners will be receiving these shortly!
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September is my favorite month in SF.

When I dig deeper into why September is my favorite month, aside from the obvious fall decor, school back in session & the SF symphony, I believe it has to do with the promise of exciting things to come, seeing friends I have missed over the summer months, and getting “back on schedule”. 
This September is much different than those in the past, but I still see the same things I love. My child’s preschool director gave us this focus for the year- demonstrate Resilience, Flexibility, and Grace. Now I’m inspired! Our incredibly resilient and creative San Francisco community is currently reimagining Opening Nights and typical fall fundraisers.
Seeing friends is happening virtually and via socially distanced outdoor dining at the incredibly flexible and resilient San Francisco restaurants that have survived this pandemic thus far. Entrepreneurs have been born out of these struggles, and the grace that so many San Franciscans have maintained is a constant inspiration to me. And they keep me laughing! (See below for a great Instagram follow on that note.) 
We are coming together as a community in San Francisco and seeing the bright linings amid the smoke. I hope you enjoy the updates below, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about real estate, or want to talk about ideas as to how to make San Francisco the best it can be as we emerge from this time with resilience, flexibility, and grace. 

Let’s Work Together

I love people and connecting with new opportunities. Let's talk about what's next for you, wherever you call home.